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Email List and Mailing List-Why you should use email list for marketing?

What is an email list?

An email list is a collection of many email addresses meant for promotional or marketing purpose. Email lists can be used to contact potential buyers, clients or entirely unknown persons to introduce your company, service or products. Email lists are either purchased or collected over a time through blogs, websites and social media. Email lists are very important for every company, business or individual who is involved in online marketing or affiliate marketing. Email lists can do wonder in every business. Email list is the easiest way to reach potential customers, clients and business partners. Email marketing lists help every company do follow ups with existing customers, reach new customers also bring plenty of visitors to their websites and get good exposure to their business or services. Normally good email list comes in excel sheet with all the necessary details and demographic information.

Why email lists?

The question in every marketers mind is that whether email marketing can bring good results or not. The answer is yes. Email marketing is a proven methods to bring new visitors to any business. Email list can be used to promote your products and services and get new buyers every day and increase your profit. Everyone use their email regularly to communicate with friends, family or business purpose. As per a recent survey, 92% people who use email open their email at least once in a day and 78% people read emails from companies with opportunities, offers and discounts. 56% people react to those emails or buy a product or service.

As per the American internet marketing association’s survey, every dollar invested in email list brings 42 dollars ROI. No other method of advertisement work better than marketing through email list. This graph will tell you why you should use email marketing lists

How to get email list?

Email lists are acquired in 3 ways usually. Collecting an email list online, renting an email list and purchasing an email list online  are the 3 major ways to getting email lists for marketing. Depending on the need, budget and size of the company or individual, email lists are acquired. We will discuss about advantages and disadvantages of these methods and how to do these things step by step.

Rent an email list:


Expensive and need lot of trial and error method to find one good rental company. Most of the rental companies are greedy and get a huge amount for a small list. You are not sure whether that works for your product or service. You need to try them spending thousands of dollars and most of the time you lose money without getting any results. Rental companies rent a list that you can see or copy. You do not know where they are sending to right people or not. You might have to pay lot and do email marketing that you do not know what exactly is happening at the back end. These companies may send out a campaign with 1000 emails and charging you 100 dollars and you will end up 20 opens and 2 clicks. Is it worth your money? Off course not. Moreover, since they are not showing the emails, you cannot do any follow up with people for who you sent out emails. It is really like hitting around the bush and getting no results.

Collect an email list:

It takes many months and years to collect emails from people. Nobody gives their email to an unknown person or company. They are very skeptical in this regard. You need to invest lot of money in building a lead capture page and optin form and their hire a marketing agency to bring plenty of traffic to those opt-in pages and offer something free in order to collect emails. This is tedious, time consuming and off course needs lot of money to invest. You need to build expensive landing pages for this. Pay an expensive email marketing service for optin form and collecting and storage of emails. You may need to build many forms to test whether it works or gets conversions. The most hard part of this is bringing traffic and visitors to your optin form page or lead capture page. You need to promote it with social media, pay per click ads, banners, media buying and all those expensive online marketing methods. It takes many months or years to collect few thousands emails. By the time you have good amount emails, most people would have been unsubscribed your message. You will be wasting your money and time continuously without knowing what is happening around. Many people initially try this methods and broke heart after few months and stop the process without any results or losing money. This process is good for big companies with thousands and millions of dollars for marketing. It is not suitable for small businesses or individuals who want to earn online through their websites, blogs or affiliate network links.

Buy email list online:

This is most preferred method of most of the companies that involved in email marketing to promote their business or product or services. Have you not receiving many emails from banks, online shopping companies or social media sites? Where do they get your email? Most of those big companies buy USA email list and Worldwide Email List from a reputed vendor or a yellow pages site. In this method, you do not need to invest lot, you do not need to wait many months and years to collect email subscribers and add them in your email list. All you have to do is find a good email list company and buy email list according to your target country and start selling and earning right away. Moreover, you will get millions of eager buyers and people those interested in offers, companies that are waiting for offer emails. When you send million emails in a month, even 1% people open and buy some product or service it make get you several thousands dollars in income and profit. 1% of a million is 10,000. How wonderful the result would be? wow… this is awesome. Clever marketers and business people buy email database list from online email list companies and send out millions of emails through software and enjoying massive profit. Have you not heard of those super affiliates and bloggers and online store owners using email lists and making thousands of dollars every day? Are you one of them or just a loser?  Think smart, work smart…start email marketing today and make huge money from email lists.

This graph would give you a clear idea of using email lists for marketing.

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