How Manufacturers Can Use Email Automation to Increase Efficiency


In the manufacturing sector, where efficiency and precision are not just goals but necessities, email automation stands out as a powerful ally. With the right strategy, manufacturers can streamline communication, nurture leads, and maintain critical relationships with minimal manual effort. 

In this blog post, we’ll dive into how email automation can be the catalyst for increased efficiency in the manufacturing landscape. We’ll also provide a crash course into email automation that will bring you up to speed and offer you tips and tricks along the way.

What is Email Automation?

Email automation is a way to create emails that reach the right people with the right message at the right time without doing the work every time. It’s about using email marketing software to automatically send emails based on triggers and schedules you define.

Email automation is quick, efficient, and easy to implement, so you can focus your time on other tasks and projects on your to-do list. 

Why do Manufacturers Need Email Automation?

Manufacturers deal with complex processes that can benefit greatly from automation. From supply chain notifications to customer updates, automating these communications can save time, reduce errors, and keep operations running smoothly.

Professionals within the manufacturing industry have a lot on their plate, and email marketing is just another thing. By utilizing automation, they can ensure they’re using an effective strategy that engages and nurtures leads while they’re busy doing the other things their job demands. 

Setting Up for Email Automation Success

Before diving into automation, it’s crucial to have a clear strategy. Define your goals, understand your audience’s needs, and map out the customer journey

The customer journey is the process that a customer goes through when interacting with a business, from the initial awareness of a product or service to the final purchase and beyond. It typically consists of several key stages:

  1. Awareness: This is the stage where a customer first becomes aware of a product or service, often through advertising, word of mouth, or online research.
  2. Consideration: After becoming aware of the product or service, the customer begins to consider their options and evaluates whether it meets their needs and preferences.
  3. Decision: In this stage, the customer makes a decision to purchase the product or service. This may involve comparing prices, reading reviews, and seeking recommendations.
  4. Purchase: The customer completes the transaction and acquires the product or service.
  5. Post-purchase: After the purchase, the customer’s experience continues. They may use the product or service, seek customer support, or provide feedback and reviews.
  6. Loyalty and Advocacy: If the customer is satisfied with their experience, they may become loyal to the brand and even advocate for it by recommending it to others.

Understanding the customer journey is crucial for businesses as it helps identify opportunities to engage with customers effectively at each stage, address pain points, and ultimately build lasting relationships with their customers. This foundation will guide the content and timing of your automated emails. 

Once you have those items in place, you can focus on the following:

Segmentation and Personalization

Start by segmenting your contacts based on relevant criteria such as their role in the industry, previous purchases, or engagement with past emails. Personalized emails can then be sent that cater to the specific interests and needs of each segment, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of your communications.

Lead Nurturing

Manufacturing sales cycles can be lengthy and complex. Email automation can nurture leads over time by providing them with useful information, updates on new products, or changes in industry regulations. These touchpoints keep your brand top-of-mind and gently guide leads through the sales funnel.

Post-Sale Follow-Up

After a sale, automated emails can ensure customers are satisfied with their purchase, offer additional resources, or check in at intervals to remind them of maintenance schedules or reorder timelines.

Product Launches and Updates

When launching a new product or updating existing ones, email automation can announce these changes to segments most likely to be interested. This targeted approach ensures that the news reaches those who are most likely to benefit from it.

Training and Education

For manufacturers, educating distributors, retailers, and end-users about their products is essential. Automated email courses can deliver this information in manageable chunks, ensuring recipients are more likely to engage with the content and understand the product’s value.

Feedback Collection

Use automated emails to solicit feedback after customer interactions, product purchases, or support services. This data is invaluable for continuous improvement and can also trigger follow-up actions based on the feedback received.

Event Management

If you’re hosting webinars, plant tours, or attending trade shows, automated emails can manage invitations, reminders, and follow-ups. This ensures high attendance rates and timely engagement.

Internal Communications

Automation isn’t just for external emails. Use it to send out regular company updates, safety reminders, or even celebrate employee milestones. Keeping employees informed and engaged is just as critical as maintaining customer relationships.

Re-Engagement Campaigns

Automated emails can help re-engage contacts who haven’t interacted with your company in a while. Sending them updates about what they’ve missed or offering help can rekindle their interest in your products or services.

Compliance Communications

For manufacturers, compliance with industry standards and regulations is paramount. Automated emails can disseminate information about compliance changes to ensure that everyone, from suppliers to customers, is up-to-date.

Choosing the Right Automation Tools

Select an email automation platform that integrates well with your existing systems, is user-friendly, and provides robust analytics. A/B testing features, customizable templates, and responsive design capabilities are also important features to consider.

Measuring Success

Use analytics to measure the success of your automated emails. Open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics can provide insights into what’s working and what’s not. Adjust your strategy based on this data to continuously improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Best Practices for Effective Email Automation

  • Keep it human: Even automated emails should feel personal and authentic.
  • Test and optimize: Regularly test different subject lines, content, and timings to find what works best.
  • Respect privacy: Ensure your email automation practices comply with data protection regulations like GDPR.
  • Maintain your list: Regularly update your contact lists to remove inactive subscribers and ensure data accuracy. With Benchmark Email’s Smart Sending, we automatically remove inactive subscribers from your sends. This helps improve your deliverability, and you can re-add these subscribers to future re-engagement campaigns. 

Email automation presents a significant opportunity for manufacturers to enhance efficiency and maintain a competitive edge. By delivering targeted, timely, and useful content to the right people, manufacturers can streamline their marketing efforts, strengthen customer relationships, and ultimately drive business growth. It’s an investment in technology that pays dividends in productivity and performance, propelling the manufacturing industry forward into a more connected, automated future.

Want an email automation solution that’s easy to use? Try Benchmark Email for free!


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