Why Your Business Should Stick with Remote Work


In the wake of global disruptions, the traditional workplace has undergone a remarkable transformation. As organizations navigated the uncertainties brought forth by external forces, remote work emerged not only as a temporary solution but as a profound revelation of a new way forward. The conventional concept of a bustling office, once considered essential, has now encountered a worthy challenger – the remote business model.

Amid this paradigm shift, businesses find themselves at a crossroads, facing a pivotal decision that could reshape their future. The allure of returning to familiar cubicles and water cooler conversations beckons, but so does the uncharted territory of remote work’s untapped potential. Should your business choose to embrace the virtual advantage and commit to a remote work culture? Does the remote work revolution still hold promises that extend far beyond the confines of a physical office?

At Benchmark Email, we’ve found that remote work has evolved from a temporary fix to a strategic imperative. There are multifaceted benefits, and our decision to stick with remote work isn’t merely about adapting to change – it’s about seizing the opportunity to thrive in a dynamic, digitally-driven world.

Heading Back to the Office

Businesses that chose to go back to the office after the pandemic did so due to a combination of factors. One key factor was obviously the importance of work culture and collaboration. In-person interactions can be essential for fostering a strong sense of teamwork, camaraderie, and company culture. While virtual tools facilitate communication, the nuanced aspects of collaboration and spontaneous interactions are challenging to replicate remotely.

Additionally, the concept of productivity and monitoring can be a concern with remote work. Some employers and managers believe that being physically present in the office allows for better oversight and accountability, leading to more efficient work output. The ability to directly observe employees and manage their activities in real-time can be considered a way to ensure that tasks are being accomplished effectively.

Security and confidentiality concerns also contribute to the decision for some businesses to return to office spaces. Businesses dealing with sensitive information or proprietary data may find it more manageable to control access to secure environments within a physical office. The potential risks associated with remote work, such as data breaches and unauthorized access, could prompt a shift back to controlled office settings.

Moreover, technology and infrastructure challenges emerged as a barrier to sustained remote work. Not all businesses are equipped with the necessary technology and systems to support seamless virtual operations. Technical limitations and disruptions in workflow prompted some organizations to head back to the office, where established technology and infrastructure were readily available.

Ultimately, the decision to return to the office was also influenced by considerations related to employee development and mentoring. In-person interactions were viewed as essential for effective training, mentorship, skill-building, and career advancement. Remote work posed challenges in providing the same level of personal and professional growth opportunities for employees.

While all of these concerns are certainly valid, my company has decided to embrace remote work and continue with that structure. We’ve seen some wonderful benefits that have us believing in the power of remote work and why more businesses should also embrace it long-term. 

Why Your Business Should Stick With Remote Work

As the landscape of work continues to evolve, the decision to embrace remote work long-term is no longer just a response to external forces but a strategic choice. Remote work, when embraced as a core business strategy, unlocks new opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and employee well-being.

Here are some things we’ve experienced since embracing remote work long-term: 

1. Increased Productivity

Most business owners think that bringing people back into the office will lead to more productive output. However, I’ve found that with remote work, since there are fewer office distractions, shorter commutes, and personalized work environments, employees are able to get more done and prioritize their tasks efficiently.

2. Enhanced Work-Life Balance

Remote work allows employees to better balance their professional and personal lives. Eliminating the daily commute gives individuals more time for hobbies, exercise, family, and self-care, leading to improved overall well-being. There’s no rise-and-grind mentality. Instead, employees are able to organize their day in a way that’s conducive and beneficial to them. 

3. Access to Global Talent

When your business is confined to an office, it typically means that all your employees must be in the same physical location. However, with remote work, businesses can tap into a global talent pool without being limited by geographical boundaries. This enables the recruitment of diverse and skilled professionals who may not be available locally.

4. Cost Savings

Long-term remote work can significantly reduce overhead costs associated with maintaining office spaces, such as rent, utilities, and office supplies. Employees also save money on commuting, work attire, and meals. This can be especially beneficial for small businesses or startups that need to keep overhead low. 

5. Reduced Carbon Footprint

Remote work contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing commuting-related emissions and decreasing the need for office-related energy consumption. This can lead to a smaller carbon footprint, which is essential for our environment, especially right now. 

6. Flexibility and Autonomy

Employees appreciate the autonomy to create their work environments, which leads to increased job satisfaction. Flexibility in setting work hours can also help accommodate individual preferences and personal obligations. 

7. Employee Retention and Attraction

Offering remote work options enhances employee retention and attraction. Companies that prioritize work-life balance and flexibility are often more attractive to top talent. People lead busy lives, and if a company can understand that, employees will stick around longer. 

8. Technology-Driven Innovation

Remote work necessitates the adoption of advanced digital tools and technologies for collaboration, communication, and project management. When your business is well-versed in various technical tools, it fosters a culture of technological innovation and can lead to more progress within your organization. 

9. Stress Reduction

Traffic is stressful. And even though we try as hard as possible to eliminate work-related stressors, with the office comes some issues employees find impossible to move past. The elimination of commutes and office-related stressors, such as noises, lack of autonomy, or office politics, combined with the comfort of home environments, can contribute to reduced stress levels and improved mental well-being.

10. Innovative Company Culture

Remote work forces businesses to rethink traditional company cultures, leading to more innovative and inclusive approaches to communication, recognition, and team-building. We use specific Slack threads to keep friendly interactions and have monthly lunch meetings for employees who are in the same location. Remote work doesn’t always mean your company culture suffers; it can actually improve it.


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